The most common question we receive from people is “Where can I buy a good-quality sod near me?”
Here are the key considerations you must remember:
By doing this, you can protect yourself from purchasing low-quality sod. At Landscape Improvements, we only provide high-quality grass, grown and delivered fresh. Should you wish to do the installation on your own, we’ll be happy to supply and deliver fresh sod, depending on your needs and we also cater arbor care tree service.
Before deciding which type of grass to install, read on to know more about the different types of sod. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anytime.
You can also call us at 407-426-9798!
The most effective way of choosing the right sod is to consider the local climate. In Florida, where the climate changes from great amounts of rainfall and hurricanes to high humidity and heat, choosing the best sod can be a bit of a challenge.
As experts, our best choices boil down to two kinds: St. Augustine and Zoysia. St. Augustine sod is quite common in Florida because it widely adapts to the warm and humid climate of the region. Zoysia is also an excellent choice because of its high wear tolerance, requiring less mowing or chemical applications to thrive.
If your lawn is mostly covered by shade trees or has areas with little traffic, then St. Augustine sod is for you! Unlike other turfgrasses, St. Augustine tolerates drought so it does well even in coastal areas where the sand is salty.
This type of sod is abundant in Florida, as well as along the Southern coasts, and in Central California. Its resilience to weeds makes it an ideal sod for many homeowners who have problems with chinch bugs.
Should I include Zoysia sod on my list? This type of sod is known for its dark green color and famous for being used in both residential and commercial landscapes. It’s a great choice for many because of its tolerance to extreme heat and cold. It’s also a highly-recommended type of sod that thrives in full sunlight and shade.
Zoysia sod costs a little more than the others. This warm-season sod is always in-demand because of its quality and durability under different weather conditions.
At Landscape Improvements, we supply the best turfgrasses in Central Florida at the most reasonable prices. Trusted by homeowners and businesses alike, we only offer the healthiest and freshest sod available.
We are 100% local and we understand your needs after carefully assessing your property and taking into consideration the weather conditions and climate here in Florida. Of course, we always take into account your vision for your outdoor living space.
Sod in a matter of days? It’s possible! You don’t need to wait long to make it greener on your side. All you need to do is reach out to us fast. Call us now at 407-426-9798!
Landscape Improvements is a family owned professional landscaping company serving Central Florida since 1992.
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